The Beloved's Grace..

I wish to find, get married to a guy who is nice to others, even to hostile people, without rubbing it in.. Somebody who is just good, and is convinced about the same.. And, somebody who understands the wisdom about it all.. He would be my heart-throb, my kind of a partner, who has no axe to grind in our bonding.. That special-someone would not be a task to understand, and relate with.. Rather, he would make me a better person, and do so gladly, with all due respect.. The man I would happily call my "Soulmate".. I shall wait (patiently and proactively) until and unless I am able to deserve such a persona.. And, once I have found him, I shall not let go of him.. Because, my love for him deserves every iota of hope, trust, faith, and a sense of security that no one else can bring.. Then, I would be proud of myself.. Love is like that..

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